After divorcing her husband for the second time, an overly depressed but under-medicated Black Mormon relies on therapy, fantasy & K-Dramas to rebuild her life after a stint in a psych ward.

Episode 1 of Crazy With a K! sees Joey explore her fantasy world where everything always works out just as she expects. You know, like it always does in reality... .

In episode 3, Joey confesses to her friend Rey that she goes to her happy place when she's sad. This happens to be a world where Joey is a K-Pop star with her friends.

"Prince Charming", Music & Lyrics by Joël René Scoville

Although "Crazy with a K!" approaches the effects of depression and mental illness through a humorous lens, mental illness is a serious matter. If you or someone you know struggles with depression or another form of mental illness, has thoughts of suicide or harming themselves, please talk to someone immediately.  

There are agencies, counselors and mental health professionals ready to listen and help you. 

Click on an image/link below for more information.

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